"Rotate light before darkness and darkness before light" (evening service)

To honor the lives of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, murdered with four other Jews in Mambai’s Chabad House, I created “Rotate Art Before Darkness,” a collaborative digital artwork that opened the Hanukah exhibition “Art in Darkness” at Emuna College in Jerusalem on 15 December 2008.  Using a computer program that cycles images, photographs of morning prayers were seen circling around the globe from Aizwal (Mizoram State, India), Melbourne, Hobart (Tasmania), Honololu, Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver, New Jersey, Brooklyn, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Johannesburg, Vysoki (Russia), Tbilisi, to Jerusalem.  The artwork was continually updated as synagogues welcoming the dawn worldwide sent photographs of their morning services to art@wikiartists.us.  Updates on the growth of this memorial artwork were posted at my blog www.artiststory.com.